In 2011 I was 18 years old, and to be fair, I've managed to achieve quite a lot these past few years. I passed my driving test, gave blood, ran a marathon, finished college, quit my job, moved abroad, travelled to 11 different countries, and did a lot of slightly less significant things in-between.
On the outside it probably looks like I'm an incredibly pro-active person, but truthfully, I'm just good at making big, scary decisions and then forcing myself (internally kicking and screaming) to follow through with them. I'm not actually very good at working towards larger goals. I'm way too lazy and enjoy sleep way too much, so things like practise yoga every day or become conversational in Spanish get ignored.
Today I made a new list, this one's due to finish on May 13th 2018, when I'll be 25 (and a half) years old. So here's to round two, to new adventures, to facing fears and fighting laziness. Here's to the next two years, nine months of my life.
[Health + Fitness]
- Complete Yoga with Adrienne's 30 Day Yoga Challenge
- Be able to do a headstand
- Be able to do the splits
- Run 1001 miles
- Complete Tough Mudder
- Complete a triathlon
- Join a running club
- Take part in the Glencoe Marathon
- Run 5k without stopping
- Complete the Insanity workout challenge
- Start cycling everywhere I'd usually drive to
- Complete the Three Peaks Challenge
- Wake up at 6(ish) every day and start getting eight(ish) hours sleep every night
- Quit dairy (for good)
- Cook all my meals using healthy, wholesome ingredients
- Stop relying on shop bought snacks and start making them all instead
- Abseil down the Forth Rail Bridge
- Climb Ben Nevis
- Walk up Arthur's Seat
- Visit the Five Sisters Zoo in Edinburgh
- Go to the Edinburgh Botanical Gardens
- Go to the National Portrait Gallery
- Go to the Gallery of Modern Art and the Dean Gallery in Edinburgh
- Visit Camera Obscura
- Spend a day in St Andrews
- Go camping in Glencoe (again)
- Go on a road trip through the West Highlands
- Go to the Outer Hebrides
[Travel + Adventures]
- Take another solo trip (anywhere)
- Go on a London museum adventure
- Go to Iceland
- Go to Barcelona
- Backpack through Eastern Europe
Visit Morocco- Visit another continent
- Do more urban exploring with my camera
- Take a horse riding lesson
- Go skydiving
- Try snowboarding
- Go see a film by myself
- Go skinny-dipping
- Go strawberry picking
- See the ballet
- Go to another music festival
- Go to the Halloween Cairnie Mega Maze
- Go to a Of Monsters and Men gig
[Study + Conservation]
- Pass my Natural Sciences HNC
- Watch (and take notes on) all the Crash Course science videos
- Get into university to study Zoology
- Do a summer conservation internship abroad
- Take part in a Trees for Life volunteer week
- Take part in conservation volunteering in my local area
- Join the National Trust
- Join the ZSL
- Join the RZSS
- Join the RSPB
[Read + Write]
- Write a 30 before 30 list
- Make a list of 101 things I've already achieved
Write a letter to myself for when this 1001 days is over- Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
- Write a journal entry every day for 1001 days (even if it's just a sentence)
- Send postcards to friends
Start another blog, and update it regularlyComplete the Goodreads challenge and read 50 books in a year- Read 10 classic novels I should've read but haven't
- Read the Bible, both Testaments (not religious, just find all religion interesting)
[Learn + Do]
- Make a zine
- Learn to knit
- Make a patchwork knitted blanket
- Learn how to sew
- Get my PADI diving qualification
- Plant a tree
- Make vegan ice cream
- Make my own almond milk
- Make a custom recipe book filled with all my faves
- Learn to play piano
- Start making weekly music playlists
- Practise French for at least 10 minutes (every day) (1/1001)
- Take a first aid course
- Learn how to use my Diana F+ and my Holga cameras
- Make scrapbooks for all my photographs, tickets and keepsakes
- Try to take at least one photograph (every day)
- Get frames for all my paintings and pictures (put them on the wall)
- Print out all my favourite photographs
- Start making my own beauty/ cleaning products
- Stop biting my nails
- Change my hairstyle (drastically-ish)
- Get a few more tattoos
- Get a few more ear piercings
- Put £10 in a savings jar for every task completed (2/101)
- Save £1000 in a savings account (and don't spend any of it)
[Be a better human]
- Make all the zero waste swaps I can
- Start giving blood again
- Sell/ donate/ get rid off the majority of my belongings (again)
- Have a huge wardrobe clear out
- Either read (or donate) all the books on my shelf
- Move out of my parents house (again)
- Pay my parents back all the money I owe them
- Stay in better contact with friends (especially the ones that live further away)
- Try everyday to be a kinder, nicer human
That's a long list!
ReplyDeleteOh, the Day Zero project. I miserably failed as well after a few months! Now I try to stick to my Bucket List and just take many opportunities whenever possible. Good luck with your list! I'm sure it will bring you amazing moments!
ReplyDeleteThanks Khristina! It is such a tough one to commit too. I'm almost expecting myself to fail, but as long as I use it to force myself into at least ticking a few things off then I'll be happy :)